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01 Weighing your options academic vs private practice dermatology work

Weighing Your Options — Academic vs. Private Practice Dermatology Work

Graduation is the culmination of your training to become a dermatologist — now, the real work begins. One of the first choices you need to make as you start your career is whether you'd like to pursue academic dermatology or private practice work.

At DermCare, we know that both career paths can be intensely rewarding. Let's take a closer look so you can determine the best fit.

Academic Dermatology

Academic dermatology focuses on research and teaching. When you treat patients, you will work with residents and teach them how to determine diagnoses and develop treatment plans. Other day-to-day tasks may include going on grand rounds, collaborating with other attendings, completing research, making presentations and reviewing charts.

If you constantly need to be challenged, academic work may be a good fit. However, academic dermatology is not for everyone. Often, doctors are constrained by their bosses or hospital bylaws, and they don't always have a choice in their patients or schedule.

Private Practice Dermatology

Private practice dermatology is perhaps the more popular choice among graduates. While this may seem to be because it offers a better salary, private practice is about much more than money.

When running your private practice, you can choose the cases you accept. You get to work when you want and take a vacation when you need one. You can take on the research you're passionate about and work with doctors that share your goals. Overall, you have more control, leading to a more pleasant work environment.

One downside to private practice is that it involves more administrative and business-related work. With DermCare at your side to assist, you can stay focused on what matters to you — treating patients.

To learn more about our open positions, visit our Medical Provider Career Opportunities page. You can reach out to us directly with any questions at

Ease the Transition to Private Practice with DermCare


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