News For
Medical Practioners

Kids in Distress

DermCare’s Giving Back Initiative at Kids in Distress

In the latter part of November 2019, the DermCare corporate office wanted to partake in an opportunity to “give-back”. DermCare reached out to Kids In Distress, a nationally accredited organization dedicated to the prevention of child abuse headquartered in Broward County, Florida. Our in-house Operations Manager and Trainer, Matthew Dorsey, who headed the initiative states: “We wanted to establish a long-term partnership based on the amazing things the organization does and the generosity of our staff”.

Over the course of approximately three and a half weeks, our corporate office collected over 330 gifts, with some children getting “extras.” Given the sheer amount of presents to be delivered, a team of volunteers from our practices assisted with wrapping and dedicating each of the gifts to the children that would be receiving them. It took a few trips for the gifts to make their way to Kids in Distress due to the outpouring of our staff and providers.
Additionally, DermCare was able to raise over $5,000.00 to donate to the organization in support of their amazing efforts and cause.

DermCare was more than proud to take part in this initiative and hopes it can inspire others to do the same in their communities. As stated by the Director at K.I.D.s “I have never had an organization follow-through with one of the biggest gift-giving initiatives since I have been here”.

Steve Estevez
Director of Marketing


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